Tuesday, March 27, 2012

For the would be directors out there

I'm sitting here at my grandparents house looking at my records while my grandma sister and my mom are watching one of the lamest movies of all time...... Twilight breaking dawn pt 1 out of 5000 and a billion. It's hard to fathom at how cheesy it the script is I'll be honest after new moon I thought wow it's getting better after eclipse wow its getting good now wow really? (the guy who directed this movie is an Oscar winner too?) it's stuff like this that makes me mad that there are good screenwriters that can do a way better job( as I write it's during where she finds out she's pregnant " did you feel that whoa" really? If this was a real situation it would be " what the fuck just moved inside of me" grade A script writing. As a side note if I directed this movie I would of went into great detail like the sex scene in The Watchmen you know for the guys who had to put up with the crappy sequels I'm sorry I didn't get to. To be honest if they got a good script writer it might be better you know after getting good actors( I'll be honest Robert Pattinson was good in Water For Elephants) as a director you can make script changes as I would I'm sorry who ever wrote the screenplays to these movies but to be honest you really suck I mean syfy channel original movies have better script writing than these movies that's how much you suck ( truth hurts) but I'm not one to say give up but you did make a shit load of money from these movies so maybe retire like I said not the one to say give up on your dreams. But let's get down to the point up coming directors directors who have true talent will never get the chance but people like the people who made these movies with the exception of David slade since he is an awesome director get to make movies and they don't turn out good and people who made awesome shorts will never be able to direct big time silver screen movies ( I'm sorry but the wolf talking scene is on it reminds me of Saturday morning cartoons I'm sorry but this is just stupid) that will never see the light of day like uwe boll he makes shitty movies that ruin video games yet he gets to keep making movies over and over and people who makes shorts win Sundance never to make another movie again. As I wrap this up I just want to tell the would be directors out there that in this day an age there probably won't be anymore Stephen Speilbergs or Martin Scorsese in the future were going into a time where good story telling is in the past and mediocre story is the best out there. So for the point learn everything about there style of directing we can't lose that we don't want the future of movies to depend on shitty story telling and horrible direction for that will be the death of cinema.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mission Trip Honduras 2011

Matthew 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

That is the verse that we were sent off with on a 7 hour flight to San Pedro Sula Honduras Central America from there we took a drive that seemed like forever to La Esperanza a little town in Honduras to a church where the pastor there was larger than life and had one mission bring Christianity to a town that turned there back on Jesus. The church they began with was a little put together church that was the size of a medium sized bed. We had two weeks to build a church a size of a studio apartment. During my time in Honduras i learned that even though I couldn't speak Spanish I was still able to communicate with them funny how an ok gesture goes a long way. One of the things that surprised me is that everyone you met was really happy you think that someone who lives in a small house would be miserable but everyone I met was really happy it just taught you that you don't need all the fancy things like 90 inch tv's and the best cars to be truly happy it's the smallest things in life that make you happen. When we finished the church we had an opening for it we walked around town and handed out flyers and invited people to come that night we had 50+ people show up the biggest the pastor ever had and that night 15 people accepted Jesus Christ as there lord and savior. Like I said the mission was a life changer it gave me a different look on life and to appreciate what you have and that the little things in life is all that matters and that all things are possible with GOD.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Decline of Book's

I'll just say it Ray Bradbury is a fucking psychic if you don't know who he is he is the author of Fahrenheit 451. In 451 the society is in the future books and been outlawed and burned everyone just wants to watch tv and listen to music even in the book it talked about tv screens that take up a whole wall and little headphones that fits inside your ears. The funny thing about this is the book was written in the 50's and now were in the future and we walk around with headphones in our ears watching tv on our phones and have 90 inch LCD tv's on our living room walls. Turns out Bradbury's future is coming true sad thing is kids these days will never appreciate a good book they will just wait for the movie to come out and never enjoy the book in which the movie is based on. Now I have done that too but in my defense the Harry Potter Books were getting so fucking long and as a guy with A.D.D I couldn't stand it so opted out and waited for the movies. Now I know what your thinking you are a hypocrite you did something that you were criticizing and your right but I believe it's ok to watch the movie but you should read the book before you see the movie also I believe that of you seriously can't read because you have ADD or ADHD then it's fine to never read the books. Also movies based on books should be used as a tool for people who never read the books because most times the books better. I started to write this after I found an article of how scholastics is offering a tablet version of books and that's ok I guess but I think that children should be taught the importance of reading an actual book enjoy the benefits of reading not just reading off a screen. I knew the decline of reading was going to happen when PBS canceled Reading Rainbow the one show that taught kids it's awesome to read. Butterfly in the sky I can fly twice as high take a look its in a book Reading Rainbow... Sorry I can't resist singing that song. Now for a 2012 updated version... Butterfly in the sky I can fly twice as high take a look its in a NOOK Reading Rainbow...sad I know. By the way HUGO is Fucking awesome go see it then read the book or better yet read the book then see the movie either way both are fucking awesome.

Let's have another go at this thing....

I haven't posted anything in the past 2 years and now I have this app on my phone maybe I can get try and update more often a lot of things happened in the past two years in 2011 but the biggest thing I did was went a mission trip to Honduras it was amazing and an experience of a life time something I recommend everyone to do even if you don't believe in GOD just the fact your helping someone out can bring happiness and joy to yours and other peoples lives. Heading to the beach will write later peace out

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Idiotic Social Networking Site Known As FACEBOOK

I did something today that most people these days wouldn't dare to do.... i deactivated my Facebook account, now i know what your thinking "Barricade9007 why would you do such a thing?" well here is my answer.... Facebook is a piece of crap site. it use to be a nice place where you could talk to friends you haven't seen in a while and keep in touch with family members who haven't talked to in ages but now its been affected with the online version of the plague people post the most dumbest stuff i have ever read like "TACOS FOR DINNER!!" then 5 hours later " TACOS WERE GOOD" seriously i couldn't give a crap what your having for dinner let alone do i care if they were good. Another thing that bothered me about Facebook is that it really showed who weren't the brightest out of your friends for example you could post a picture of your new dog and write "our new dog Mr Bojangles" and someone would write "did you get a new dog?" now being a nice person you have to bite your lip and say "yea just got him a couple days ago" instead of " no you dip shit i just found a random picture of a dog online and decided to post it". Another annoying thing about Facebook is the people who post stupid shit every day at any hour like "works busy today"... really?,if its so busy then why the hell are you on Facebook? or "cant sleep".... like we care if you cant sleep chances are I'm sleeping while your posting the dumb thing.. you don't need to update your life story every 10 seconds. Now your probably thinking "well why didn't he just add the people on his ignore list?" well...it was just easier to deactivate my account then go threw almost every person and ignore them. there were some people who didn't abuse Facebook and posted semi good stuff like how there day was and didn't write anything for the rest of the day but like survivors after a zombie outbreak there weren't enough to justify me staying on Facebook. So I urge everyone who gets fed up with Facebook just to deactivate there account if someone really wanted to talk to you let them call you or send you an email don't have something that is basically useless and is now being over run by people posting idiotic updates, seriously do you really give a rats ass what someone is having for dinner or that they just got 450,000 points on Bejeweled Blitz or they bought a new horse on Farmville and they need more hay....... i didn't think so

Side note since I wrote this blog I have rejoined Facebook because I truly believe it can be used as a way to communicate with people who don't abuse it but if you truly hate Facebook delete it and use this blog post as a reason why you deleted it

Friday, January 8, 2010

Reality Shows

Reality shows have become the must watch TV of the new millennium turning regular people into celebrity's over night but is it really worth watching?....FUCK NO seriously who gives a shit about John and Kate and there 8 kids or why John left Kate ill give you the reason, Johns a dumbass and Kate is a control freak it wasn't meant to be you cant control a dumbass its impossible( if i ever write a book i think that will be the title) there just another family living in another town just whats different is that they have 8 kids which by the way none of them didn't come out natural she had them do that medical thing because she couldn't have babies unlike that mom who has like what 19 kids and there all natural (nasty reference to a worn out female vaginal area here). Also another show that gets on my nerves is Little People Big World the show about how little people live ordinary lives like everyone else well guess what they don't, have you seen the trips they been on ordinary people don't do that type of stuff like a spontaneous trip to the Cajun Islands really what ordinary person does that? and what gets on my nerves is that they worry about money well no fucking duh you have no money look on the trips you go on is that how your ordinary because you have no fucking money well here is a financial tip for ya stop going on trips to the Cajun Islands they live in Oregon take a weekend trip to Mt Saint Helen's that will save you a shit load of money! Now lets get this straight if you want to look for the dumbest reality shows on earth there are two channels to go to VH1 and MTV. MTV is responsible for the dumbest show on earth The Hills and the more recent Jersey Shore two shows about spoiled rich brats that deal with there dumbass lives that it makes me proud that i was born into a middle class family but these two shows are so poorly played out it has to be fake but people are convinced that its reality TV. So thanks to MTV the world was introduced to Heidi and Spencer two people that are more retarded than all the kids in the special Olympics there so retarded that a retarded person would say "damn your retarded" but i remember one time watching Access Hollywood and they were having a dumbass debate over somthing stupid with them and after they got done honest to gods (Percy Jackson Reference) the dumbass announcer said how did these two keep getting on TV.......lets take a moment because i think you know what I'm going to say.......... well dumb ass host bitch...BECAUSE YOU LET THEM ON THE GOD DAMN TV ITS DUMBASS SHOWS LIKE YOURS THAT LETS THEM ON THERE!!!!! seriously if you have a problem with them don't let them on your shows its easy as that say fuck you your a dumbass and move on with life. On VH1 you have the dumb dating reality shows like Bret Michael's something of love i don't know but what i do know is that a rockstar could get all the pussy he wants so why would you go on a show looking for love when you can bang any chick you want it gives the inner rockstar in us something to be ashamed of. there are of course other love match making shows on there like real chance of love daisy of love well basically SOMEONE looking for love but let me say this if you cant find love after the first second or 30th time i recommend going to eHarmony.com i mean they will find a compatible person for you guaranteed or your money back and it saves you time from making yourself look like a slut on TV. now lets go to the mainstream channels and talk about very popular reality TV shows lets start with American Idol. American idol starts off good during the try out stage were we see the best America has to offer the people that are willing to go out and make asses of them self's even if they don't know it ( the best example ever, i bet the people at the office set him up for that one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAHLTXKa1_I)but after the try out stage the show becomes dull and its like whatever what else is on. another show is dancing with the stars but it should be called dancing with the has beens seriously they only had one good actor that i was rooting for and that was John Ratzenberger (look up any Pixar/Disney film he is most likely to be in it) but other then that the show is very dumb and it becomes old the second it starts. Big Brother is another dumb reality TV show its about cameras in a house watching people while they compete for shit and make themselves look like sluts by sleeping with everyone in the house ( i bet your parents are so proud). Your probably thinking is there any reality TV shows you like and well there are some good ones like Ghost Hunters( i know the gayest fucking show in the world) and Deadliest Catch and Dr Drew's rehab shows and also hoarders (but just for the fact that i can use that show as an excuse for my parents not to complain about how messy my room is)but those are the only ones that ill watch. So there you have it my stance on reality TV.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Twilight vs New Moon

So let me start off this by saying i hate the TWILIGHT crap that's going around i found the books boring and really not interesting and since I'm a guy its perfectly understandable. i have a sister who is obsessed with the twilight craze she has all the books and a poster of Edward on her wall in her bedroom ( and yes she is married... i know awkward for my brother-in-law) so it was unavoidable that she would take me to go see these movies i saw Twilight at the movie theaters and i remember how bored i was waiting for the movie to be over it seemed like a poorly made movie from the get go and that the director could of done a better job and i know what your thinking but she was on a low budget blah blah blah well my answer is this a good director can make a masterpiece on a low budget for example Little Miss Sunshine, Fargo,Reservoir Dogs and the more recent Slumdog Millionaire(need i say more?) so as you can see my only problem i had was how the director had dealt with the movie also the blue tint of the movie really got on my nerves I'm a Washingtonian a gray tint would of worked just as nice. The acting wasn't the best ever it was dull i mean Robert Pattinson looked like he was constipated throughout the whole film and the lines were incredibly cheesy (hold on tight spider monkey... pick up lines like this no wonder Edward was a 108 year old virgin). So New Moon has finally came out and i went to the mid-night premier for 3 reasons one they were showing a trailer for Percy Jackson and the Olympians ( WAAAAAAY BETTER SERIES THAN TWILIGHT!!!!!) and two i saw the first one i might as well see the second one. Third i wanted to see the die hard fans or aka The Twihards and let me tell you the theater was packed that night all the theaters were sold out even the one that held 600 people it was crazy. So after the movie started i could tell this one was going to be a little better just by how the directing was it seemed like you can tell the director had respect for the books especially when it came to dealing with Bela and her depression phase i remember the book dragging it out and it really got annoying but in the movie it went by fast (thankfully) but you got the point. I also liked how he handled Bela seeing Edward when she was in a dangerous situation it was just how i saw it when i read it in the book. i will admit the acting was OK a little bit better ( yes Robert Pattinson still looked like he was constipated) but not as bad as the first one but it didn't ruin the movie for me it also helped to have the bigger name actor and actress Michael Sheen and Dakota Fanning they really added to the movie even for the short amount of time they were in it. So am i saying that New Moon is on my top 10 favorite list, no, what i am saying is that it is a better movie than Twilight and that it was well made and it should leave fans thinking "now that is what Twilight should have been." As we all know Eclipse will be coming out in June of this year and to be honest i am looking forward to this one just for the fact that the guy who made 30 days of Night is making this movie and i think he will do a good job on it just as long as there is lots of blood and the vampires are really creepy. So there you have it why i think New Moon was better than Twilight but the two movies by no means are Oscar worthy but just for entertainment purposes but if you really want to see a film based on a book i recommend seeing Where The Wild Things Are which was by far a way better movie than these two combined.