Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Idiotic Social Networking Site Known As FACEBOOK

I did something today that most people these days wouldn't dare to do.... i deactivated my Facebook account, now i know what your thinking "Barricade9007 why would you do such a thing?" well here is my answer.... Facebook is a piece of crap site. it use to be a nice place where you could talk to friends you haven't seen in a while and keep in touch with family members who haven't talked to in ages but now its been affected with the online version of the plague people post the most dumbest stuff i have ever read like "TACOS FOR DINNER!!" then 5 hours later " TACOS WERE GOOD" seriously i couldn't give a crap what your having for dinner let alone do i care if they were good. Another thing that bothered me about Facebook is that it really showed who weren't the brightest out of your friends for example you could post a picture of your new dog and write "our new dog Mr Bojangles" and someone would write "did you get a new dog?" now being a nice person you have to bite your lip and say "yea just got him a couple days ago" instead of " no you dip shit i just found a random picture of a dog online and decided to post it". Another annoying thing about Facebook is the people who post stupid shit every day at any hour like "works busy today"... really?,if its so busy then why the hell are you on Facebook? or "cant sleep".... like we care if you cant sleep chances are I'm sleeping while your posting the dumb thing.. you don't need to update your life story every 10 seconds. Now your probably thinking "well why didn't he just add the people on his ignore list?" was just easier to deactivate my account then go threw almost every person and ignore them. there were some people who didn't abuse Facebook and posted semi good stuff like how there day was and didn't write anything for the rest of the day but like survivors after a zombie outbreak there weren't enough to justify me staying on Facebook. So I urge everyone who gets fed up with Facebook just to deactivate there account if someone really wanted to talk to you let them call you or send you an email don't have something that is basically useless and is now being over run by people posting idiotic updates, seriously do you really give a rats ass what someone is having for dinner or that they just got 450,000 points on Bejeweled Blitz or they bought a new horse on Farmville and they need more hay....... i didn't think so

Side note since I wrote this blog I have rejoined Facebook because I truly believe it can be used as a way to communicate with people who don't abuse it but if you truly hate Facebook delete it and use this blog post as a reason why you deleted it

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